CMPS 161 Visualization and Computer Animation

Final Project

A 3D Platform Game

By Brian Spiegel


From  Inverse Kinematics To Forward Kinematics.

A simple 3D platform game, the basis of which is fun, and rudimentary simple but difficult .

The game consists of a character that you control with forward, backward, and sideways movement you also have the ably to jump and couch. The purpose of which is to avoid the falling objects, which can be axes, beer bottles, bottles, bowl balls, chairs, cleavers, extinguishers, jaxs, lamps, rakes, Stetson hats and teapots.

            I accomplished this by modeling the character in 3D Studio Max and then animating  it use taking full advantage the Max’s bones systems  and inverse kinematics. For the objects I will use 3D Studio Max 4’s Library for all objects and the physics of the ball falling in project 3 to animate, yet on a larger scale and with dead rates. Yet for the character was petty hard without a book and with max being a big program to try to wade though. So finally broke down brought a book '3D Studio Max 5 Bible' which is petty decent. After a couple days a setting up the model for animating I was ready to convert the animation key frames form max into something that I could understand this by far was the hardest thing to do. With so many 3D model formats to pick from it was very hard to found right one and more importantly one that supported key frame animation from Max. See the thing was I had used a export program to convert the model to the vertex, polygon, and normal arrays but it wouldn't convert the key frames, only each model at each key frame, which even at the smallest sample rate would take way to way to long to load. So it would take me a entire week for trying to week before I found an appropriate format and then another before figured out how to worked. After that it was just a matter of using forward kinematics animate the model. Yet I was unable to animate any of the limbs because the model was imported with the export program mentioned earlier and the rotation key frames were imported using Max' ASCII scene export. So to make a long story short the axis of rotation didn't line up and would be imposable to guess them, so as a consequence the none of the limbs could not be animated.