CMP 161: Winter 2005
Course Overview

Main Text

Optional Text

OpenGL References


Grading Policies: 5 programming assignments (25%), final project (25%), 2 exams (45% total), and attendance (5%). You need to pass all of the components in order to pass the course. There is no final exam.

Exams are weighted 40-60 in your favor. Programs are due before class starts (i.e. 12 noon). Programs turned in at least a full day early will earn 1% bonus credit. Late programs will be charged 1% late points. In addition, late programs will not be accepted 24 hours past due date. Late programs and reports will not be accepted for the final project. The bonus credits may be accumulated up to a total of 50% toward program and final project credits. Programs are graded 80% for functionality and correctness and 20% for style, readability, documentation/writeup, and efficiency. Additional points may also be earned for extra features.


Attendance: It is your responsibility to know what is covered in class. You are required to attend one of the regularly scheduled lab sections. Attendance/participation/effort is crucial in determining borderline cases at the end of the quarter. Check the class website and newsgroup on a regular basis for announcements.

General Policies: All course work including homeworks, programs and exams are intended as individual effort and are graded as such. It is okay to discuss general approaches and algorithms with other students, but this should be done without writing, looking, or sharing code. Cheating or plagiarism in any form will not be tolerated. Punishment will match severity of offense. You are responsible for protecting your homework solutions and programs from being copied by others. Refer to the official UCSC guidelines.

Questions/Discussions: Aside from the classroom and graphics lab, you can clear up any questions you might have during regularly scheduled office hours, or by appointment. You can also reach the TA or myself and get your answers by email. In addition, we have the newsgroup ucsc.class.cmps161 devoted to topics relevant to this class (also occasional graphics related job ads and announcements). Finally, we will be putting handouts and other information on the web. Make sure you bookmark the class web page and check back at least once a week.

Last modified Tuesday, 22-Jan-2019 09:42:15 PST.