CMPS Final Project

Imran Khan

wisk at ucsc dot edu



This program is my final project for CS 161. It is a water visualization tool using metaballs.
I made two attempts at this assignment the first of which core dumps when the actuall isosurfacing is attempted. The second uses VTK and works, albiet slowly. This latter code is described further on.

The old Code
The new Code
The report about the old code

README section:

This program renders a stream of water using MetaBalls and Particles. See This report for more information on the process involved.



When started, two windows appear. The First is the viewing window, and this has a green background with an offset 'V' to the left. The intersection of the V is where the Water is emmited from. This has controls to affect the 'skin' of the water, and the animation controls.

The second window controls the particle system. The upper two sliders control the amount of randomness in the system, called the variaton, and the default strength of each particle. The Verticle slider controls the global scale of the particle system. Below the Strength slider are 6 sliders which control Acceleration and Initial Velocity in the 3 coo-ordinates. Particles can only have Positlve X accerlerations and Velocitys because the Emmiter is at the edge of the -X side of the screen.

To use, simply play with the sliders in the particle system window, and look in the viewing window for a good distribution of water. Then drag the Bottom Slider in the viewing window to vary the thickness of the skin. When you release the slider, the skin will update in the viewport.



The Particle Control Window

Above is the particle window with controls set to produce the image below, of water arcing down as if shot from a hose. Note the large value of the botttom slider to produce the tight skin.

The Viewing Window