Final Project: John Powell

Class: CMPS161 - Animation and Computer Visualization

Last Updated: 3-14-04

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My final project for CMPS161 Winter quarter '04 is a 3D enhanced clone of the classic arcade style game Asteroids. The project was written in C++ using libraries such as OpenGL and FLTK.

Main Features:

3D Game Space - This is a first person shooter style game. The ship navigates inside of a 3D volume filled with Stars & Asteroids. Just like the arcade style game, moving through the wall boundary transports you to the opposite wall behind the player. 

Fractal Asteroids - The Asteroids are all generated using a fractal algorithm. This asteroids that very in dimension and shape. In addition the Asteroids are textured and blended for added effect.

Collision detection - This feature goes without mentioning I think but I will mention it anyway since it took so long to come up with a good algorithm to accomplish it. Bullets collide with Asteroids thereby subdividing the asteroid and triggering an explosion. If the ship collides with an asteroid the number of lives is reduced and the ship is positioned  randomly in the 3D Game Space.

Particle Explosions - When an asteroid is hit with a bullet the resulting explosion will be animated by a two particle explosion. The inner explosion models the fire of the explosion while the outer explosion models the debris field that would normally occur has an actual asteroid explosion actually occurred.

Inertial Physics -  Each object in the 3d Game Space manages its own position, direction, speed and orientation.

Mouse & Keyboard Controls - Mouse controls are available for more accurate control of the pitch and heading of the ship. The keyboard controls allow the ship to increase and decrease thrust. Alternate heading controls also are available for the keyboard.




Windows Binary

available soon...



Space Explosion

Yet another Space Explosion

Following an Asteroid


Pictures Zip

All large images






Mini Users Guide


Once you start the program the game begins. Use the keyboard controls to navigate through the asteroid field. Shoot as many as you can. The initial release gives you over 3000 lives ( so don't worry about hitting asteroids ).  Use full screen mode if your video card can handle it.


Keyboard Controls

'w' - Increase thrust in current heading

's' - Decrease thrust

Up & Down - Increase &  Decrease Pitch

Left & Right - Change heading

Space - Fire gun

ESC - Quit


Mouse Controls

Click and Drag Up, Down, Left and right to change pitch and heading. 




Email to give comment and or questions


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Special thanks to Michael at for the page format. You can see his DirectX asteroids game at