T & E Racing


Main Id-ear

Make a racing game. Completely 3d, movable in all three degress of freedom.


The components:

The first component would just be the racing. The flythrough I already have pretty much done which consists of calculating the velocity vector and projecting on the x,y,z change in position. Then collision testing against the walls and obstacles. Then writing a simple ai that aviods objects and tries to go shortest path. Also the simple level design in this too. It would basically consist of a long hollow cylinder that has slowly rotating rocks (which are many and very large) that would make the navigation a little difficult.

Adding one weapon at a time. The first weapon would be the machine gun which would fire glowing spheres. Then after that I would have to write the ai for weapons as well. This I'm not completely solid on yet. I have ideas though about giving values of importance to attributes like attacking or racing (fight or flight). Then I'll add the atom gun, which is just a nucleus (some spheres) and spheres rotating around it, maybe it'll shoot of little rays of "photons", neet little light sources. Then a laser, and maybe a rocket launcher.

So the level starts in a long hollow tube with these big rocks everywhere. Then it goes into a verticle case-way which flies into a huge hollow cone with a blinding white light in the tip that everyone is flying towards. Then some filler, havn't decided. Then it splits up into 2 tubes, then those 2 split, then those 2 split, and so on untill there is maybe 1 for every two players in the race (which is constant), and then they rejoin into another tube like at the beginning except the density of rocks is exponentially higher. Then some web like cross sections to navigate through. Then a gigantic rotating triangle which forces you to side areas at the edge of the pipe. It'll look good when I impliment it.

This is all simply done visualizations, but I don;t think I'd get far enough to do anything really neat.

Puh, yeah right, think this is a wishlist for this quarter.

During the Summer though, I'm and definely doing this!!!


I hope that's in depth enough.

I plan to make it through all three stages (just barely) by the end of the quarter.