CMPS 161 - Final Project

Eric Herrera  <eric2881>


     For my final project I decided to do cel-shading. My program allows the user to load a model and it will be rendered using cel-shading. The user can then rotate the model using the sliders. The animate button will rotate the model around the Y-axis until the animate button is pressed again. In order to do the Cel-shading I used textures. The basic idea is to render the object using flat shading, then render the object again only drawing the outlines. To draw the outlines I don't draw any front facing polygons and I draw the back facing polygons as wireframe. This will produce the desired outline effect.


    The following are screenshots of my program's output.

    The '57 Chevy

    The Cel-Shaded shark

    The shark from another angle.

click the following link for a short User's Guide.