CMPS 161 - Final Project

        Date: March 15, 2004
      Author: Agnes Sun
        Class: CMPS 161
Project Title: Articulated Figure

Articulated Figure

User Guide


     This project is to create an articulated figure and make it walk and sit. The user can zoom in/out and change the camera view point. There are three toggle buttons for user to determine whether they wish to have the figure stand, sit, or walk. The figure always walk in straight line. The user can also determine the figure's walking speed and step, the angle between two legs. 

Figure -- 

     I used glutSolidCube/glutWireCube to create the figure's body, arms, and legs and glutSolidSphere/glutWireCube to create the figure's head. I used glScalef to make the cubes into a rectangles. After I have the head, body, arms, and legs, I used glTranslatef to combine everything together into a *human* figure. I declared an offset vector, float array size 3, for each arm and leg. For example, the offset of the left arm is (-.45, 0.125, 0.0) and the offset of the left leg is (-0.2, -1.1, 0.0). After I put all pieces together, I needed to translate the rotating points of every arm and leg in order to make the figure walks like regular people. I declared another offset vector for each arm. This offset vector is called rightArmOffsetXY. It only contain x value and y value and I set them to be (.35, 1.25, 0.0), where x value is +/- .35 depends on whether it is the left arm or the right arm. For the legs, the rotating vectors are the (+/- x-value of the legoffset, y-value of the legoffset/2, 0).
     For the walking animation, the user can control the speed of the pace and angle between the legs. For each time interval, the angle of each leg is either decreasing or increasing by the value of the speed slider until the left leg angle reaches the value of the step slider. For example, when left leg angle is less than the value of the step slider, the right leg angle is decreasing by the value of the speed slider and the left leg angle is increasing by the value of the speed slider. After the left leg angle reaches the value of the step slider, the right leg angle is increasing by the value of the speed slider and the left leg angle is decreasing by the value of the speed slider.
     For sitting, it is a static scene. I just combined the head, body, arms, and legs together and placed all the pieces to certain position.
     For standing, it is the walking figure when the angle of each leg is equal to zero.


User Guide:






Movie Clip (mpeg)
Movie Clip (wmv)


Last update: 03/15/04