CMP 161 -- Programming Assignment 0

Due date:
11:00am FRI, 1/17/03


Warmup program. Review basic camera setup, object transformation and animation. Try out fltk if you haven't used it before.

You can implement the following in stages of increasing complexity:

  • Resource

  • Grading. This program accounts for about 5% of your total grade. We must be able to compile/test your code. Therefore, code and accompanying make/project files, etc. must be tested for successful compilation at least on the suns in the lab. For PC's, we will be using Visual C++. Also be sure to include a README in your submission as to which platform to use.

  • Submission. Submission must be done using the "submit" command from CATS.

    These commands should work from any cats machine, but if there is a problem try it from unix.ic. Create and submit a subdirectory called "prog0". It should contain all the files you have to make your program compile/run. DO NOT include the data file in your submission. Remember that 20% of the grade is towards documentation/readability/style/ease of use.

    Last modified Tuesday, 22-Jan-2019 09:42:16 PST.