Roller Coaster Designer

Jonathan Bridge & Peter Froud
CS 160 fall 2015
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How to use

Our program lets the user design a roller coaster track from modular pieces. To change the pre-loaded track, use the circular X button at the bottom to remove a piece. The button with a red background deletes the entire track. Then, use the seven buttons at the top to add flat, sloped, or turn pieces. You can also use the shuffle button at the bottom to add a random sequence of curved track.

Press the play button at the bottom to start or stop the cart moving.

System requirements: web browser that supports WebGL. You can see if your broswer supports webGL by going to



Track: the “main” class of the project. Piece: a class used for generating the pieces of the track Support: an “inner” class to piece that generates the support beams beneath the track piece. TrackConst: A single class that holds all the constant data. TrackType: Inner class to TrackConst. Gui: Class that the buttons used to access the other classes.


Global variables: Libraries used: Other files of note:

The coaster works by having a Track object which holds the pieces in an array. Every piece is an object that holds information about it, as well as a reference to the mesh it has in the world. Additionally the methods each had deletion and scaling.

We had a problem finding a good way to store all the constants in the program. Initially we just made a large object in brackets, using the JSON style, however we wanted it to reference itself so we instead implemented constants as its own class and then just generated a single instance as TRACK_TYPES.

Towards the end, we started rushing as we implemented the cart and found that JavaScript’s Math class didn’t behave the way we thought it would when calculating ArcTan. After a lot of ugly coding we did eventually manage to get something that has a semblance of working. But the implementation is gross.


We began by using Rollercoaster Pre-fab by Adam W, but thought it would be better to have total control over the models.

We used Autodesk Inventor to model all our own track pieces. We had to jump through some hoops to get those models into the json format the three.js uses. From Inventor, we exported the model to a .dwg file, which we imported into a trial version of SketchUp Pro. From Sketchup we exported an .obj file, which could be converted using, included in three.js.

You can access all of the original and intermediate files on our GitHub repository at

Sample output



Click to view full size.


Made with three.js. Skybox source. Favicon source.