CS 160 Project Proposal


As a game design major finishing up my final quarter at UCSC,
I would like to look into implementing various shader effects
common to popular 3D titles.

Main Goals for Functionality:
Implementation Goals by Weeks following 5/10/13:
  1. Set up Model Loading and User Interface, as well as base lighting shaders.
  2. Implement Global Fog effect. Which causes covers up distant objects that
    aren't important, while creating a cool ambient weather effect. As well as
    Twirl effect, which warps an image around a specific point.
  3. Implement Motion Blur effect, which leaves behind "motion trails" of previously
    rendered frames. In additon, implement Edge Detection, which creates black edges
    wherever the shader detects dramatic changes in color.
  4. Finish up any effects I am still working on, if time allows, implement Fisheye camera
    effect as well as variant on Twirl effect that warps around a circle rather than point.
  5. Finals week, feature lock, bug fix, Finish up report.

Contact here.