Project Proposal

Reflective Shadow Map

by: Mitchell Allen


Reflective shadow maps extend the regular function of shadow maps by simulating light bounces. This requires rendering the scene from the light's point of view. With regular shadow maps all that is needed is the depth buffer for a visibility test. For reflective shadow maps, the normals and colors of points must also be recorded:

as seen in the "Reflective Shadow Maps" paper.


The main goal of this project is to serve as a showcase and example implementation of RSM's. Some features of this project will be:

For the camera controls, I was planning to use the mouse to rotate and WASD to move. I was thinking of having the light move along a set path. The scene will be a two-story room with a balcony and an arbitrary OBJ model in the middle. I will need to figure out how to use 128-bit unclamped float textures (for position and normal).


Task Est. Completion
OBJ file loader Sunday May 12, 3:00AM
moving camera/light Thursday May 16, 3:00AM
shadow mapping Sunday May 19, 3:00AM
reflective shadow map buffers Thursday May 23, 3:00AM
reflective shadow map lighting Sunday May 26, 3:00AM
