Holly Marshall's Solar System


        I simulated the behavior of a generic solar system.  It contains one solar star, which is the

center of the system; therefore, it acts as the light source.  There are six planets that all rotate

on their y axis and rotate around the Sun.  There are two planets the contain moons, which

rotate around their planet. Five of the six planets, the Sun, and the background are all texture

maps.  One of the planets does not contain a texture to demonstrate the lighting, as the light is

difficult to see on the textures.  At the beginning of the program there is a shooting star that is

displaced through the viewing space. There are also capabilities to toggle the axis on and off, and rotate

the camera view.


Image 1.  The planets are orbiting the sun, as the moons are orbiting the planets.
                   The axis is toggled off and the camera is not rotated.


Image 2.  The planets are orbiting the sun, as the moons are orbiting the planets.
                   The axis is toggled on and the camera is rotated 138 degrees.

Usage:   %make

 Platform: Sun Ultra 10

 Credit:  I  would like to thank our TA , Jonathan Cheatham, for going above and beyond the
                 call of duty to help myself and other 160 students on this project by giving two extra sessions
                 Wednesday, May 23.

                 I would also like to thank Aaron Chappelle, who took 160 Spring00.

                 I would also like to thank Alex Pang, our professor, who answered many questions.