Kevin Murphy & Ricky Grant

Project Description

Our project is a tool for Animating 3d models. Our project is capable of taking any model with a format similar to those used in the class. Once the user has selected the bones for the model they can then manipulate the bones in a variety of ways. Once the user is done with transforming the model, they can play the transformations back making the model look animated.

How to Use

Our programs controls can be somewhat complicated so we are going to split them into sections. We made it using Visual Studio 2008 on windows systems

Loading the Model

    1. The default model is the enterprise.
    2. To load a different model you will need to replace enterprise with the models name on line 367 of main.
    3. Recompile the program and run again.

Selecting Bones

    1.Hold ctrl and left click on top of a vertices to select it (you can select multiple vertice).
    2.Select all vertices you wish to be contained in the bone you are creating and press ctrl+right click to make a bone.
    3.An alternate way to create bones is by doing alt + left click and drag over area containing desired vertice. All points in this box will be added to the bone created.
    4.Press q to add bonewith selectedverticetothe model
    5.The more accurate you are in selecting vertice the smoother the transformations will look

Transforming the Model

    1.All transformations in our model take place on the current Bone.Transformations only affect the Current Bone and its children and their children and so on.
    2.The controls for transformation and navigating through the skeleton are below

Animating model

    1. transform model to desired position
    2. press f to save the frame
    3. press = to go to next frame
    4. repeat this process morphing the model little by little
    5. press F to play back the frames


    a + mouse Left = rotate around object x
    b + mouse Left = rotate around object y
    c + mouse Left = rotate around object z
    i = move current bone to its child
    k = move Current bone to its parent
    j = go to previous sibling
    l = go to next sibling
    w = enable wireframe mode
    g = enable gourard shading
    p = toggle viewing modes
    d = draw object shadow
    f = save position to current frame
    F =
    '=' = go to next frame
    '-' = go to previous frame
    q = add bone to model
    enter key = go to bone only mode(transformations only affect the bones in this mode)