# List of top-scoring protein chains for t06-w0.5-1-n_notor-0.1-scores hidden Markov model. # HMM and HMM E-value scores computed by SAM (c) 1992-2001 Regents of the University of California, Santa Cruz # Sequence Alignment and Modeling Software System # http://www.cse.ucsc.edu/research/compbio/sam.html # ----------------- Citations (SAM, SAM-T99, HMMs) -------------------- # R. Hughey, A. Krogh, Hidden Markov models for sequence analysis: # Extension and analysis of the basic method, CABIOS 12:95-107, 1996. # K. Karplus, C. Barrett, R. Hughey, Hidden Markov models for detecting # remote protein homologies, Bioinformatics 14(10):846-856, 1998. # A. Krogh et al., Hidden Markov models in computational biology: # Applications to protein modeling, JMB 235:1501-1531, Feb 1994. # #SCOP domains found in each protein chain taken from SCOP: # ------------------Citations (SCOP) ----------------------------------- #Murzin A. G., Brenner S. E., Hubbard T., Chothia C. (1995). #SCOP: a structural classification of proteins database for the investigation of sequences and structures. #J. Mol. Biol. 247, 536-540. Sequence_ID Length Target_Evalue SCOP_domain SCOP_suid 5S 5N 12S 12S 10N 2i76A 276 1.372 1yrlA 491 5.874 2uytA 489 6.530 1ybdA 239 7.962 c.73.1.3 122884 2ahrA 259 8.977 a.100.1.10,c.2.1.6 126775,126776 2a4dA 160 17.38 d.20.1.1 126152 2f0xA 148 18.58 d.38.1.5 132673 2co5A 99 21.43 1iynA 295 23.03 a.93.1.1 90722 2bneA 241 25.06 c.73.1.3 128824 1qq9A 284 26.25 c.56.5.4 33841 1wdyA 285 30.62 d.211.1.1 114541 2e8vA 340 31.34 2j9uA 96 31.76 a.24.28.1 138155 2g3kA 94 35.28 a.24.28.1 134562 1np3A 338 36.42 a.100.1.2,c.2.1.6 85946,85947 1uohA 226 38.99 d.211.1.1 99690 1kvkA 395 39.97 d.14.1.5,d.58.26.3 73060,73061 2o8nA 265 41.66 1n0qA 93 42.95 k.37.1.1 79754 2gwdA 449 45.04 2odiA 238 46.23 2zcoA 293 47.22 1ustA 93 50.73 a.4.5.13 99884 2ij2A 470 52.13 a.104.1.1 137449 1khyA 148 53.68 a.174.1.1 77410 1qmgA 524 55.91 a.100.1.2,c.2.1.6 18785,30182 2dznA 228 56.68 2qisA 374 58.17 1zn6A 227 60.04 d.303.1.1 125373 1aba 87 60.39 1ql0A 241 60.77 d.4.1.2 37139 1e1oA 504 61.51 b.40.4.1,d.104.1.1 25258,40714 2izzA 322 63.56 1zv1A 65 66.93 2ogxB 270 69.35 1pprM 312 75.14 a.131.1.1,a.131.1.1 19502,19503 2gifA 1057 75.58 2ooxA 137 78.33 2bf5A 98 79.09 d.137.1.1 128405 1vpdA 299 82.36 a.100.1.1,c.2.1.6 113951,113952 2ou1A 77 84.36 2ihiA 395 85.56