# script for plotting calibration curve for thermistor # (temperature vs. resistance) # and fitting various models # This version modified Mon Dec 24 10:49:31 PST 2012 Kevin Karplus # B-equation used in many thermistor specifications # Temperature in degrees Kelvin as function of resistance in ohms # First, given a resistance R0 at a temperature T0: T_B_R0(R,T0,R0,B) = 1./(1/T0 + log(R/R0)/B) # Second, given the equivalent resistance at infinite temperature T_B_Rinf(R,Rinf,B) = B/log(R/Rinf) # Steinhart-Hart model (3 parameters) # Temperature in degrees Kelvin as function of resistance in ohms T_stein(R,A,B,C) = 1./(A+B*log(R)+C*log(R)**3) # Note that the T_stein equation can be used to model the 2-parameter # equations, by setting the parameters appropriately: # T_B_Rinf(R,Rinf,B) = T_stein(R,-log(Rinf)/B,1./B, 0) # T_B_R0(R,T0,R0,B) = T_stein(1./T0-log(R0)/B, 1./B, 0) # specifications for Vishay BC Components NTCLE413E2103F520L thermistor # in terms suitable for T_B_R0 (as given on spec sheet) T_25 = 273.15 + 25 R_25=10000. B25_85=3435. # From here on in the file, we'll use only the T_stein equation, # and not the two-parameter B equation, so B should be interpreted # as in the Steinhart-Hart equation. # specifications converted to T_stein equation C_spec = 0. B_spec = 1./B25_85 A_spec = 1/(25.+273.15) - B_spec*log(R_25) # Conversions between Fahrenheit and Kelvin scales # Note: if measurements are recorded in Celsius, rather than Fahrenheit, # then these conversions are not right, and should be changed # appropriately. K(F) = (F-32)*5./9.+273.15 F(K) = (K-273.15)*1.8+32 # Set up title and axis labels set title "calibration for Vishay BC Components NTCLE413E2103F520L thermistor" set xlabel "resistance in kohms" set ylabel "temperature in degrees Fahrenheit" # remove any stray labels that may be left from previous "set label commands" # If you reload this script file repeatedly, then labels can # accumulate unless you clear them. unset label # print the specification on the plot set label sprintf("spec R_ohms = %.3g * exp(%.0f / T_in_Kelvin)",exp(-A_spec/B_spec),1/B_spec) at 3,180 set label sprintf("T_in_Kelvin = 1/(%.3g + %.3g ln(R_ohms))",A_spec,B_spec) at 3,170 # set the ranges for fitting the data (can be used to censor some outliers) set xrange[*:*] set yrange[*:*] # fit a two-parameter model A0=A_spec B0=B_spec fit F(T_stein(x,A0,B0,0)) 'therm_data2.txt' using (1000.*$2):1 via A0,B0 # print the two-paramter model on the plot set label sprintf("fit R_ohms = %.3g * exp(%.0f / T_in_Kelvin)",exp(-A0/B0),1/B0) at 4.5,155 set label sprintf("T_in_Kelvin = 1/(%.3g + %.3g ln(R_ohms))",A0,B0) at 4.5,145 # fit the three-parameter Steinhart-Hart model A=A0 B=B0 C=1e-6 fit F(T_stein(x,A,B,C)) 'therm_data2.txt' using (1000.*$2):1 via A,B,C # and print the 3-parameter model set label sprintf("T_in_Kelvin = 1/(%.3g + %.3g ln(R_ohms) + %.3g (ln(R_ohms)^3)",A,B,C) at 6,130 # plot the data as points and the models as curves set style data points # set the scaling of the axes # It may be useful to look at this plot with both linear and log scale # for the resistance. Which plot is more useful at low temperature? # Which more useful at high temperature? set logscale x set xrange[1:30] unset logscale y set yrange[*:*] # place the legend where it won't interfere with the plots and labels set key bottom left plot 'therm_data2.txt' using 2:1 title 'data',\ F(T_stein(x*1000,A0,B0,0)) title 'fitted 2-param',\ F(T_stein(x*1000,A,B,C)) title 'fitted 3-param',\ F(T_stein(x*1000,A_spec,B_spec,0)) title 'spec'