Tue Jan 31 11:47:40 PST 2012 Kevin Karplus AFMotor is the AdaFruit Industries library for their motor shield. You should get it directly from http://www.ladyada.net/make/mshield/ as I may have an old version. HexMotor is the library for using the HexMotor motor controller that I designed. Although it was initially inspired by the AFMotor library, it is quite different in both the programmer's interface and its capabilities (for example, I have not yet implemented stepper-motor controls). The HexMotor library supports both the HexMotor motor controller and the Adafruit Industries motor shield (though not at the same time). i2c A simple interface for I^2C communication, using blocking I/O so that operations are completed before the routines return. This is the slowest, but simplest, way to set up I^2C communication and requires only 2 wires (SDA and SCL). The library assumes that the Arduino is the always the bus master. Error checking is done, but handling errors is minimal. The main user interface is just 5 routines: i2cInit i2cReadRegister i2cReadRegisters i2cWriteRegister i2cWriteRegisters though i2cSetBitRate may also be useful. Some lower-level routines are provided, but should not be needed in applications for which this library is suitable.