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The Golf Tournament, 04 May 2002

(click on the thumbnail photos to see larger versions)
Warming up the day before at Sherwood
Frank Potter, Ed Andresen,
Gerry Filippi, John Newton
The 2002 Gang
Left to Right: John Bork, Bob Wilson, Kris Andresen, John Henry Oliveira, Ed Andresen, Becky Harper, Al Pulido, Cathy Gregory, Ron Cansler, Gerry Filippi, Pat Hobbs Byers, Frank Potter, Harold Byers, Warner Butler, Kathy Butler, Anthony Gonsalves, Jerry Gregory, Manuel Joaquin, Margy Schaufelberger, Raymond Garcia, John Newton, Ted Schlosser, Al Blakely
Anthony Gonsalves and
John Henry Oliveira
John Bork, Ed Andresen,
David Costa, Jerry Gregory
Kathy Butler, Jerry Gregory,
Cathy Gregory, Warner Butler
Margy Schaufelberger, Kathy Butler,
Cathy Gregory, Sandy Trigueiro
Frank Potter, Ted Schlosser,
Shelly Gray
Ed and Kris Andresen
Kris Andresen,
Gerry Filippi
Some kind of
cheerleader thing ...
Raymond Garcia
Al Blakeley and Al Pulido

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To the Best Class to ever graduate from Lemoore Union High School: the Class of 1969.

First, a hearty thank you goes to Kathy and Warner for opening your home to our latest Class of 69 Golf and BBQ party. As everyone said and will say, all had a great time at your home eating dinner, remembering old times, and the days highlights (and low lights) and especially having the opportunity to create new memories.

I also want to acknowledge the hard work that John Newton did in getting this year's event off the ground. He put many hours into insuring that we all had the opportunity to have a great day. Being the Class of 69, we took full advantage of that opportunity.

Ger Filippi, Cathy Gregory and I were also mentioned as helping, but it was through John's effort that this year's party was as great as it was. Thank you John, from all of us, esp., your fellow V Club members.

Hiram, you were missed, but your CD was a perfect fit for the evening festivities. I wish I could tell how many memories those songs brought back tor all of us.

We crowned a new team as golf champions this year. Kathy and Warner Butler and Cathy and Jerry Gregory. A hearty congratulations to the reigning champions! The team with the highest score was, yours truly, Ger Filippi, John Newton and Ron Cansler. I tried to warn you Ron. Like you said after the fourth hole, "We suck." We had a great time in spite of having to wear the poorest golfer hats for one year. Speaking of hats, how does everyone like this years hat? You just can't get a hat with a cooler Tiger on it.

In this years closest to the hole competition we used a different format than we had in previous years. Everyone had to hit their ball while everyone else watched. Although this brought on additional pressure it also allowed everyone an opportunity to put in their "two cents" as each player stepped up to the tee box and hit away. Trust me, were a ton of pennies being thrown around as each player addressed their ball. Bob Wilson won the mens competition and Kathy "Nancy Lopez" Butler won for the second year in a row in the women's competition. Congratulations to both of you. Bob, thanks for the round of drinks after the event even though you weren't there to pay for the liquid refreshment. We thought you wouldn't mind treating your fellow classmates to a post tourney drink from your winnings and to your credit you didn't.

I want to thank my wife (Kris) who drove the beer cart for our tourney. She kept us supplied with beverages throughout the day. Vegas Bob Clark, you were missed and I know you and Kris will be driving the cart for us next year.

Margy, Pat, I hope you had a great time, I know we enjoyed having you both join the rest of us for the first time, I hope you will be there next year as well. For those of you who could not make this year's event, it is really too much fun to miss.

The 3rd Annual Class of 69 Golf and BBQ Party was another rousing success. May we all enjoy many more of them.

Ed "Eddie" Andresen, your fellow classmate and 69er party member.
- Monday, May 06, 2002 at 16:55:19 (PDT)

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This page last updated: Friday, 07-Jun-2002 00:00:00 PDT.