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The Golf Tournament, 03 June 2000

(click on the thumbnail photos to see larger versions)
94° F today
A lovely day for golf
John and Gerry, about
to rip up the course
The after BBQ was very friendly
Kathy, Rita, Cathy, Jeannie, Susan, Sandy, Hiram
Gary McIlwain, Ted Schlosser and Jerry Gregory
tending the BBQ
Gary and Chandy
relaxing poolside
Gerry Filippi and Frank Potter
John Newton, Bob Clark
Kathy Stanley, Rita Baker, Susan Silva
Kathy Stanley
Susan Silva, Cathy Gregory
Susan Silva, Gerry Filippi
John Henry Oliveira, David Costa,
Anthony Gonsalves, Bob Wilson

Class of 69 Golfers:

I would like to thank everyone for making the 1st Annual Class of 69 Golf Tournament and BBQ a great success. By the looks on all your faces everyone must have had a good time. Plans are being made for the 2nd Annual. We are going to try and move the date up to the middle of May to avoid the heat and make it easier for everyone to attend. John will be sending out the flyers by the first of March with all the details. We hope to get more players. We'll have to maek a deadline this year so that I'll be able to get enough tee-times.

Thanks go to John Henry and Bobby Wilson for offering the Kings Country Club as the next site, but I think the course at Lemoore is more playable for everyone. Beside this is a sort of reunion and Lemoore is our home.

Contrats goes to John Henry, Anthony and Raymond for winning the tourney with a score of -6. They will be the defending champs so everyone start practicing.

Even though all the women were using five and six irons and the men were using eight and nine irons it was Dave Costa's 4 wood shot that won the closest to the hole on #11. He won all the money but was gracious enough to buy everyone beers afterwards. Thanks David.

Special thanks goes out to Cathy's mom and dad for once again allowing us to invade their beautiful home for our BBQ. Also thanks to you, Cathy, for all your help.

Even though Ed wasn't able to attend he put in a lot of time setting up the tourney and BBQ, so everyone drop him a thank you note.

Thanks again to all of you and start practicing those four wood shots for next year. (Dave will be giving a four wood clinic at the driving range before the start of next year's tourney)

Gerry DGO (Director of Golf Operations)

Ed Andresen
Gerry Filippi
John Newton
Cathy Gregory

Add your comments !

What were your special shots this year ?

Please add your Golfing and BBQ adventure stories to this page:
For those of you that did not attend the BBQ last year, you missed out
on some of the best Margaritas this side of the Rio Grande. John
Newton has promised to repeat this liquid wonder again this year. Not
only do they taste good, but they do wonders for your attitude. Thanks
John, you and your Margaritas are the bomb! Cathy
- Monday, April 23, 2001 at 08:52:54 (PDT)

You can email the Class of 69 at:
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This page last updated: Thursday, 03-May-2001 00:00:00 PDT.