August 26, 2006

GPS World Cover Story!

OK, this is a shameless plug! An article I wrote on out Marine Mammal Marking Tag (MAMMARK), was the cover story of the August 2006 issue of GPS World. The article can be found here.


The observation technology used by wildlife researchers can limit their understanding of the behavior of marine mammals. Surface tracking using geolocation and Service Argos tags have shown that these mammals range much farther than previously thought. Relatively simple time/depth recorders (TDRs) show that they dive more than 1,000 meters deep and for longer than one hour. To further the understanding of these aquatic creatures, we developed a smaller and more capable tag with more sensing capabilities that can be deployed for longer durations. The MAMMARK tag, measuring 2.5 × 4 centimeters, carries a low-power microprocessor and a set of sensors that can be multiplexed through a high-resolution analog-to-digital converter (ADC).

Posted by elkaim at August 26, 2006 10:37 AM