June 7, 2004

Educational Robot comes packed with Features

OK, I'll be crass: I want one. This is a very cool robot that seems to have a lot of the right set of sensors on board. It would save someone in a typical lab quite a bit of time integrating a conventional robot. Also, the software seems quite interesting as a simulation environment.

wamy.jpg Wany Robotics’ Pekee™ robot is an open robotic development toolkit for researchers, educators, and students in technology. Pekee helps you understand robotics and robotic software, from basic concepts to high-level development in the Wany Robotic Software Lab™. These tools give fast hands-on experience with all the latest in robotics, from algorithms for autonomous movement and obstacle avoidance, to embedded video, network, signal analysis, and artificial intelligence. Pekee is the ideal platform for complete experimentation in electronics, computer science, and robotics.

The Pekee robot is designed around a completely open architecture that provides total flexibility for your robotic application testing and development. Its built-in infrared, temperature, and light sensors, odometers, shock detector, and gyrometers ensure that you can monitor critical elements in the robot’s environment at all times. The Pekee platform lets you pursue your own projects at all levels, from trajectory planning to real-time programming in consumer prodcuts such as robotic vacuum cleaners and interactive toys.

Looks like about $10K per robot.

Posted by elkaim at June 7, 2004 1:50 PM