February 19, 2004

Five Robots

In a nice article in Forbes Magazine, they talk about five robots that will change your life. These range from the cutting edge (see the entry about the monkey controlled arm below), all the way to the truly bizarre. Very interesting stuff, and note that two of them are medicine related and one rescue related.

japan.jpg For decades, science fiction has been promising a future filled with robots that will make the various annoyances and dangers of life easier or more bearable. You might be forgiven for thinking it was all the product of overactive imaginations, but then you're simply not looking in the right places.

Sure, robotics changed manufacturing in the '70s and '80s. But now a new generation of robots--either available now or in development--will take on a whole new range of tasks, and could conceivably change your life.

Posted by elkaim at February 19, 2004 5:24 PM