January 5, 2004

GPS on Race Horses

So, they have gone and started measuring the performance of race horses using GPS. This is an interesting article on the process, though it leaves a lot of details out. Now that you can buy a GPS reciever for $40 that is less than an inch on a side, it seems silly not to use it to measure all kinds of things.

r03gps.jpg Massey University scientists are using global positioning system (GPS) satellite signals to measure how far and fast horses gallop each day and how quickly they accelerate.

They are combining this information with heart rate monitors to judge the fitness of each horse.

Senior lecturer Janene Kingston said the GPS system, originally designed to guide United States missiles on to enemy targets, was now so accurate that it could follow horses round a racetrack.

Just so everybody knows, a velocity measurement from GPS should be good to cm/sec levels.

Posted by elkaim at January 5, 2004 5:48 PM