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Computer Security [CSC 456]

Secure Transactions on the Semantic Web pdf

Researched protocols for enabling secure transactions on the semantic web that minimize the involvement of third-party authorities.

Operating Systems [CSC 550]

Distributed Metaheuristics for Optimization pdf

Implemented distributed genetic algorithms and ant colony algorithms to search for solutions to instances of the traveling salesman problem.

Knowledge Management [CSC 581]

The Semantic Web: A Vision or a Dream? pdf

Surveyed and analyzed the performance and feasibility of the W3C view of the semantic web.

Computer Architecture [CSC 520]

Data Prefetching using a Modified Markov Predictor pdf

Implemented a modified Markov Predictor to enable improved caching of linked data structures.

cal_poly.txt · Last modified: 2008/05/09 21:59 (external edit)     Back to top