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The NASA ESS/HPCC Cooperative Agreement

Grand Challenge Applications and Enabling Scalable Computing Testbed(s)

in Support of High Performance Computing

Turbulent Convection and Dynamos in Stars

University of Chicago

University of Colorado

University of Minnesota

Principal Investigator:  Andrea Malagoli


  • Turbulent convection and dynamo activity are the most challenging unresolved problems in the physics of rotating late--type stars like the Sun, where they play a fundamental role in such processes as the transport of energy, mixing of specific angular momentum, generation of magnetic fields, and basic stellar variability. We propose to combine advanced scientific, mathematical and computational analyses with state-of-the-art computational technology to attack these problems by means of very high resolution hydrodynamical and magnetohydrodynamical numerical simulations. Such simulations will serve the unique purpose of fostering technological advancement in high performance computer architectures as means to solve fundamental scientific issues.